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Our Work Matters

Justice for Outsourced Facilities Workers.

The Our Work Matters is a collaborative joint union campaign led by members of trade unions who represent outsourced workers and supported by the TUC.

We are the forgotten heroes who keep the country going.

We clean hospital wards, trains and offices. We keep nurses and doctors safe and secure so that they can deliver life-saving medical care to NHS patients. We prepare and serve high-quality meals to school-children and elderly care home residents.

But our jobs have been outsourced. This means that we are not employed by the hospitals, schools, government departments and train stations that we work in. Instead, we’re employed by facilities management companies.

And we are treated like second class citizens. We are undervalued, under-appreciated and underpaid.

Many of us are employed on insecure zero-hours contracts. We are not paid enough to cope with the cost-of-living crisis. And we do not have access to fair sick pay schemes when we are ill.

During the pandemic, politicians clapped us for risking our lives whilst others stayed at home. But since then, those same politicians have pretended we don’t exist. And claps don’t pay the bills.

But we’ve had enough. Outsourced workers from different workplaces and employers up and down the country are coming together to demand better. We deserve fair pay, a secure contract and dignity at work. We deserve to be able to provide a decent standard of living for our families.

That’s why we’ve launched the Our Work Matters campaign.

And we’re winning. By taking action in our trade unions, outsourced workers up and down the country are winning better pay and better treatment at work. From caterers at a government department who won a 12% pay rise, to hospital laundry workers who won a 17% pay rise and a transfer to NHS working conditions.

So join the campaign for justice for outsourced facilities workers, because Our Work Matters.

Join the campaign

Outsourced Workers Connect event - register now

Wed, 12 Jun 2024 - 09:30 to 16:45 | Central Hall Westminster, London.

This training event will give practical advice and support on key everyday workplace issues such as winning better pay for outsourced workers; your health and safety rights at work; what to do if your job is TUPE’d (transferred) to a different employer; and how to build a workplace union for outsourced workers.

You'll hear directly from other outsourced workers and union reps who won have campaigns in their workplaces for higher pay, more holiday days, better sick pay and insourcing.

It'll also be an excellent opportunity for you to network and make new connections with people working in similar roles and workplaces to you. The packed programme of interactive workshops will feature inspirational union reps as speakers and will give key practical advice.

During this event, we will also visit parliament and speak to several MPs, so that they can understand the challenges facing outsourced workers.

Sign up and join other union reps and members to learn, share, connect and make a difference in your workplace.



Outsourced Workers Connect 2023 – meeting with Flo Eshalomi

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